Why some consider the Four Spiritual Laws as outdated, the booklet is actually still a powerful go-to for many.
The Words Project helps foster spiritual conversations with ease.
Pastor Matt DeCola talks about the risks and challenges involved in sharing Christ with your family, and offers 7 helpful principles in moving toward family members with the gospel.
"I had no idea that a simple evangelistic film would be shared with so many family members."
Learn what a personal testimony is and how to prepare one to share with others.
A proven approach to conversational evangelism. Built around four roles, CoJourners helps you learn (or teach) the art of entering the spiritual journeys of others to help them come to Jesus.
"It shouldn’t surprise you that people hold onto their beliefs and ideologies strongly. I know this because it’s exactly what I do."
The Agape movement in Switzerland uses four symbols on a wristband to simply and clearly explain the gospel.
You can serve others to build relationships for spiritual conversations and to care for others. Here’s 30 ideas to get started.
A couple learned how to trust God in uncharted territory by leading a Bible study for blind people.
Learn how to tell your “before and after Christ” testimony with authenticity.
People are leaving the church. Here are 6 ways to continue the conversation with them.
I believe nature is one of the most powerful tools we have in worship and evangelism.
We turn to the internet for our ordinary, mundane, and sometimes embarrassing questions. But we also look to this infinite store of knowledge for answers to life's most complex moral, intellectual, and spiritual quandaries.
Some will say you should build a resume of trust first, before risking telling the mystery of the gospel. That helps, but it’s not essential.
How do we move beyond insecurities and fears to communicate our most important news with the most important people in our lives?talking friends
Our communication can either take away from the gospel message or illuminate the gospel message.
The American church is sorely lacking in its ability to equip believers intellectually for the battle this world is currently waging.
What does it really look like to obey Jesus’ command to spread the gospel?
Helping you obey the Lord’s call to evangelism without turning people away.
Now, more than ever, as followers of Jesus in a post-Christian culture, what we do needs to match what we say.
What can you do when someone asks you for change? Learn how to respond to panhandling in a God-centered way.
Four biblical reasons for doing evangelism and how you might share these biblical motivations with a small group or someone you disciple.
God wants to multiply His life a thousand-fold, and He wants to do it through you.
How do you talk to your parents about Jesus? How can I witness to my family?There tends to be three recurring themes: patience, love and comprehensiveness.
Take a few minutes now, working through these questions, and be ready for the next open door God gives you to tell about your spiritual journey.
A South African amusement park intern confronts her fears about evangelism and learns how she can overcome them.
A South African amusement park intern learns 8 keys to evangelism.
A South African amusement park intern discovers 4 reasons why we should evangelize.
As believers, each of us has our own story: the story of how we met Jesus. When combined with our desire to tell others about Him, we have a powerful, versatile and meaningful way to connect others with the very heart of God.
The three ways God uses believers to proclaim the Gospel.
It is important to keep preaching the gospel to all who will hear, by all sorts of means and methods.
Strategies convert intention into action. Strategies tell us the what, when, and by whom of our purpose. Strategies are a means to an end, not an end in themselves. They are the answer to the question, “How can we reach our campus?”
Blending the compassionate words and works of the gospel in your local context.
Why is it that many Christians become frustrated and don’t follow through when they are asked to bring their friends to an outreach event, or to tell their friends about Christ?
This discussion is intended to clarify the concept of the holistic nature of the gospel, intersecting our walk with the Lord, our Lifetime Laborer, and the social area of life.
Part One of the riveting Men's Time at CSU 2007. With wit and wisdom, Dan Allender communicates timeless truths in a fresh, compelling manner.
The second half of Dan Allender's powerful Men's Time seminar at CSU 2007.
The map of global Christianity that our grandparents knew has been turned upside down. At the start of the 21st century, at least 70 percent of the world’s Christians live in the non-Western world – more appropriately called the majority world.
For over two decades, Fireseeds has inspired us to pray, to expect the impossible, and to trust God for new works of His Spirit-in our lives and on the campus. Fireseeds is a proven tool for igniting campus wide, student-led prayer.
Since the beginning, since the disciples disembarked two-by-two from the flood of Pentecost, the concepts of “death” and “evangelism” have been bound together as closely and solemnly as a suicide pact.
The gospel consists of two facets: (1) The judicial act of forgiveness by God on the basis of Christ’s death on the cross. (2) The result of accepting this payment, the impartation of new life on the basis of the resurrection.
Surveys are the most frequently utilized strategy for getting face-to-face with a non-believer.
How do we share our faith? How do we help someone understand “the good that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord?” This series will help you. It will give you ideas that have been used by many, leading thousands (literally) to begin a relationship with Jesus.
As evangelism is social networking it doesn’t take much imagination to recognize the gospel implications and opportunities presented through the social network of Facebook.
Ten steps in helping you share the gospel.
Rick James offers a fascinating look at participating in the plot of God's grand story.
Getting Biblical teaches ‘why’ we do evangelism and was intended for the development of students and staff involved in sharing their faith on campus.
There is a heartbeat to evangelism. You hear it as you draw near to God. The veins of gospel outreach pulsate with the love of God.
One local Cru movement partners with a wide variety of campus organizations to help feed starving children, demonstrating the gospel in a powerful way.
Mamelodi, South Africa had a need. Boston Cru tried to help. The results were incredible.
Pat McLeod shares from his doctoral research about two of Cru's most effective evangelistic movements.
One man’s internal struggle to share the gospel will shine insight into your fears in witnessing.
As Christians we are called to community. We cannot live the Christian life alone. We are not effective alone. We are social by design.
What if everyone came to a discussion with something to learn and experience? What if both those who follow Jesus and those who don’t follow Him got together and talked about eternal issues of humanity like isolation, love, and purpose?
Starting a life-changing conversation is easier than you think and you can do it anywhere.
God has called Cru to be involved in reaching every student on every campus. The most strategic way we can accomplish this on a regular basis is by concentrating on reaching the Freshman class. They should be the focus of our efforts every year.
Apply these helpful suggestions to combine your gift and abilities with serving God.
Learn how you can respond to God's call to share your faith with others.
Talking to God about someone's needs can bring a chance to talk about God.
Our incredibly high ratio of exposures to involved new believers has left me longing for our evangelistic approaches to be not only successful, but also effective.
Practical principles from Cru's founder Dr. Bill Bright for spreading the profound truth about how to begin a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
The startling difference between a personal faith and a private faith.
Avoid conversation pitfalls when talking to others about God.
On one level, evangelism is as simple as one person telling another how they can experience the forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ. But, if we step back and look at the big picture, the ministry of evangelism can be as multi-faceted and complex as the societies in which we live and the people to whom minister.
What does the Bible say about initiative evangelism? Why should we go to people and offer them the Gospel? As we look at Scripture and the example of Jesus, we find at least five compelling reasons.
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